Archive for August, 2010

Sandown to Shanklin “Pier to Pier” swim

The 58th Sandown to Shanklin Sea Swim organised by the Isle of Wight Marlins Swim Club as part of Shanklin Regatta took place on 8th August 2010. The main organisers were Gordon Osborne and Nancy Godwin assisted by a team from the club and local residents. This year there was a record number of swimmers […]

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Lindsey wins ‘Gold’ at centenary swim

Masters swimmer Lindsey Shenton, a member of Isle of Wight Marlins Swim Club, won a Gold medal at the Hellespont swim in Turkey last week, swimming between two continents. Lindsey is a regular Open Water sea swimmer who entered the International swim from Europe to Asia, across the Bospherous Sea, which is situated between the […]

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Masters and seniors national championships

The Masters and Seniors National Championships were held again at Sheffield’s Ponds Forge pool, when seven Islanders, three from Isle of Wight Marlins took part. Rosemary Johnson and Peter Harding, both living on the mainland but Isle of Wight Marlins Club members, joined Jenny Ball for the three day event. Peter 72, lowered his breaststroke […]

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