Royal Navy masters meet
The team relay events proved very successful for the group of Isle of Wight Marlins Swim Club who travelled to Street to swim in the impressive 50 metre pool at Millfield School, though the event was run Short Course, with a boom dividing the pool to 25 metres. Competition from the services teams was very strong but the two Island teams came away champions in both the 160 years freestyle and 200 years medley.
In the freestyle race, Stuart Symonds, Ruth Carroll, Fiona Seymour and Richard Slater, were ten seconds ahead of the second placed Royal Navy team in a time of 1.59.59. In the Medley Fiona, Stuart, Richard and Jenny Ball set a new meet record of 2.26.03 beating the existing one by 1.44 seconds.
Two swimmers Fiona Seymour and Richard Slater, had been past pupils at the school but had not enjoyed such excellent facilities for swimming as those now in place there. Nevertheless, memories flooded back!
Other successes were enjoyed by Kim Holmes in the 25-29 years age group with personal best times of 32.02 in 50m freestyle and 39.63 for 50m backstroke.
Jenny Ball won a cut glass goblet for most points in the ladies’ 70-74 years age group, having set a new meet record for the 100m. backstroke of 1.56.30 along the way.
Overall the team of six swimmers was placed a very creditable 13th out of 48 clubs.